BODY & SOUL PBS TV SERIES – EPISODE 15 Creating Wellness: Taking Time, Making Time


This episode features a visit to the Omega Institute’s Wellness Program in Upstate NY, and an interview with Stephen Rechtschaffen, MD, author of the book Timeshifting.

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EPISODE 15 - Creating Wellness: Taking Time, Making Time

In this episode:   the Omega Institute's Wellness Program in Upstate NY; and an interview with Stephen Rechtschaffen, MD, author of the book Timeshifting.

• "We live at a frantic pace, going from one activity to the next."

• "We don't know ourselves, our children or our spouses because we're constantly on the move."

• "Eventually it hits us and we say, Where did all the time go?" 

• How to find the places you may not have looked before.

Video File size: 320mb   
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